Service Learning .time a { background-color: #d65610; color: #fff !important; }
ICC School was established in 2011.
Service Learning ::: ICC School Service Learning
Service Learning
Service is at the heart of the ICC School experience. We make it a priority to weave service opportunities and appropriate reflection into our curriculum. With our central focus on character education and diversity, equity, and justice initiatives, it is unsurprising that our students regularly volunteer their time outside of school and often create their own service projects to benefit the world around them.
Contact Info
- 222 East 97th Street, New York, NY 10029
- 646-589-3920
Other Links
- Apply to ICC School
- Arts at ICC School
- Careers
- Experience School
- Faculty And Staff Directory
- Gallery
- Getting To ICC School
- Head Of School Welcome
- ICC School at a glance
- Mission Vision
- Our History
- Spirituality
- Spring Open House
- Early Education
- Code Of Conduct
- Enrollment Application
- School Structure
- Important Information
- Tution Fees Contract
Copyright © 2020 – All Rights Reserved.
function mark_attendance(attendance_id) { const data = {‘attendance_id’: attendance_id}; let result = ajaxRequest().getJsonByPost(‘’,data); if(result.status==true){ toastr.success(result.message,’Success!’); setTimeout(function () { location.href=”; },3000); }else{ toastr.error(result.message,’Error!’); } }