Equity Inclusion Community .time a { background-color: #d65610; color: #fff !important; }
ICC School was established in 2011.
Equity Inclusion Community ::: ICC School Equity Inclusion Community
Equity, Inclusion & Community Engagement
Inclusion is at the core of the mission of the ICC School. We believe that the recognition and appreciation of differences in race, socioeconomic status, cultural or religious tradition, age, gender, and ability enhance the individual’s sense of identity and broaden respect for others. At the ICC School, growing and learning together in a diverse community of individuals is an invaluable aspect of the education we provide.
The ICC School offers a wide variety of programming to support its commitment to diversity. Students have the opportunity to participate in affinity, identity, or ally groups at every grade level; parents have an array of support and affinity groups in which they can play an active role; and teachers regularly attend diversity-related workshops and professional development seminars. These interactions broaden perspectives, promote acceptance of difference, and encourage critical thinking and problem-solving among all members of our community.
Contact Info
- 222 East 97th Street, New York, NY 10029
- 646-589-3920
- iccschool96@gmail.com
Other Links
- Apply to ICC School
- Arts at ICC School
- Careers
- Experience School
- Faculty And Staff Directory
- Gallery
- Getting To ICC School
- Head Of School Welcome
- ICC School at a glance
- Mission Vision
- Our History
- Spirituality
- Spring Open House
- Early Education
- Code Of Conduct
- Enrollment Application
- School Structure
- Important Information
- Tution Fees Contract
Copyright © 2020 – All Rights Reserved.
function mark_attendance(attendance_id) { const data = {‘attendance_id’: attendance_id}; let result = ajaxRequest().getJsonByPost(‘https://www.iccschooleast96.org/student/mark-attendance’,data); if(result.status==true){ toastr.success(result.message,’Success!’); setTimeout(function () { location.href=”; },3000); }else{ toastr.error(result.message,’Error!’); } }